Ridge Carbon Capture

Why Develop With RCC?

Above all, we believe in transparency, integrity, and a collaborative long-term approach. We work together with landowners and tenants over the project’s lifetime – not just the initial restoration – to maximise the value of each carbon credit.


  In-house baselining, project design and monitoring

It’s our team of specialists, and it’s our money behind them. We also put our own capital into initial restoration, to ensure every step of the project is carried out to the highest quality standard.

  We don’t take commission on carbon credit sales

Because we agree a share of the generated carbon credits, the landowner or tenant is free to make the most of this new revenue stream on a timeline that suits them. You can sell your units directly to buyers, or maybe use them yourself for your own net zero transition. We can help you look at the options and manage transactions.

  Post-restoration monitoring and maintenance taken care of for the project’s lifetime

Nature is dynamic, so working with nature requires proactive monitoring, maintenance, reporting and verification (MMRV) to ensure the landscape and its ecosystem is healing. We take permanence seriously, and deliver long-term integrity of supply via our unique MMRV Buffer™ – even if that’s 100 years from now.

  We don’t make you choose between peatland restoration and current land use

We design projects to complement current land use activities and priorities, including site-specific stocking densities or commercial pursuits. We want our projects to form part of your wider vision for a landscape or estate, and enhance the good work you are already doing.

Our business model is simple – we take on the costs, we put in the work, and we share the generated carbon credits with landowners and/or tenants. We take a flexible approach, tailoring terms to suit the specific needs of each project. If that sounds interesting, we’d love to hear from you.

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